Medical and Dental Practice Specialty

Healthcare is our key specialty. We dedicate many resources to it, including capital. Our healthcare platform takes care of the non-clinical aspects a good practice must have in place including:

  • IT – hosting your PM&EMR, Patient Outreach, Email and all other systems under the same umbrella provides best efficiency and performance
  • Compliance – we reduce your legal fees and provide policies and day-to-day guidance in many areas,  including HIPAA & MACRA
  • Multi-Practice Growth – We specialize in devising & executing strategic growth plans and are here to help you grow yours.
  • Partnership – Our partnership program increases your equity by driving the business valuation up.

Dansoft personnel includes former CIOs and CTOs from recognized medical and dental organizations. We can provide a CIO-level voice at your board meetings, be a part of your acquisition team to help you grow your company efficiently and profitably, and review and optimize technology-related contracts for maximum strategic benefit to you. Dansoft has an IT conversion process playbook that is particularly valuable for organizations that are acquiring and operating multi-location practices.

Dansoft has broad technical capabilities – there is nothing IT-related that Dansoft can’t do, for example:

  • Lower your cost of scaling your organization up or down utilizing our Secure Cloud.
  • Gain improved business performance visibility utilizing our data warehousing and reporting tools, pulling information across your software systems.
  • Operate off an improved network and thin-client workstations that are more secure, lower in cost, and have a longer useful life than regular computers.
  • Benefit from our economy of scale, whereby Dansoft’s powerful IT industry partner agreements and relationships reduce your cost of operation.
  • Provide a better customer experience and gain efficiency by upgrading your existing customer-facing portal and integrating our own, including a business-oriented patient portal, supplementing a EHR/MU patient portal.